August 20, 2008

Definitive Proof of the Mystical Law of Karma: the new Peanut Butter Cookie Larabar.

A few weeks back, I reviewed a few of Larabar’s new healthy nutrition bar flavors. I’ve long been a fan of Lara Merriken and her raw Larabars—as a café dweller (the elephant staff still spends half its days tapping away at laptops in local indie organic fair-trade serving cafés) Larabar is too often the only non white flour + sugar source of energy in the place.

While I’m always concerned when a great indie business like Larabar sells to a big company like General Mills, I am happy for Lara and her merry band of foodies—and I’ll give Larabar the benefit of the doubt and assume that all will remain organic, raw, and supportive of great indie eco enterprises like this fantastic little media gambit that shall go unnamed.

As to the mystical law of Karma: recently, I reviewed Larabar’s two new flavors—and, apparently, some lovely someone at Larabar noticed the blog (which is now number two on Google search results for Larabar + said flavors) and sent us a box of yummy flavors by way of thanks—which I shared with a xeriscaper who was working on Hotelephant, our green home/office, and my editor, Heather—and then I ate all the Peanut Butter Cookie flavors myself, all at once, for breakfast. Now that’s the kind of instant karma I can get used to.

Yeah, so I’m nuts for Peanut Butter Cookie. I digg it so much I feel like those climbers who don’t want to tell other climbers about a great new climbing spot; or those hot-springs-in-the-middle-of-nowhere discoverers who keep their secret from the masses for fear that it’ll be overrun. So while I can recommend Peanut Butter Cookie highly—as I noted in my last review it must be pretty darn good for me to like it, since I don’t like Peanut Butter itself—don’t go out and eat alllll of them up. Leave some for me.

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