August 3, 2008

“Eco-model” Summer Rayne Oakes is huuuuge in Europe.

…And here’s proof.

Okay, okay, we just want you to watch Summer Rayne’s conversation at LOHAS with elephant re: green collar jobs and ecofashion. Oh, wait, I linked that wrong. Here’s her conversation at LOHAS with elephant re: green collar jobs and ecofashion. Oh, wait, I linked that wrong. Heeere’s her conversation at LOHAS with elephant re: green collar jobs and ecofashion. Really.

And here’s my horrible crop (Damnit Jim, I’m an editor, not a photoshopper) of Summer Rayne’s two-page spread in Vanity Fair’s last Green Issue, for all you ecoboys out there who mighta missed it. 


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