September 25, 2008

Colbert & Stewart Suspend Presidential Campaign: video. Plus, Palin goes to UN.

In a bold (weird) “non-political” political move, John McCain has asked Obama to delay the first debate—with only 40 days to go, that would likely mean one less debate—and return to Washington to help avert the financial crisis—despite the fact that bringing the heat of the Presidential Campaign to the hopefully non-political bail-out negotiations is the best way to confuse everything. Equally stunningly, Obama says “no, thanks, this is the time America needs to here from us most—see you Friday.” Will the debate happen? Only Stephen Colbert knows for sure:

 Jon Stewart calls a time-out:Jon Stewart on Palin’s trip to meet the world (in NY):When the stock market crashed, FDR wasn’t President and didn’t get on TV—despite what Biden says: 

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