February 6, 2009

Guantanamo, Patriotism & Jon Stewart.

As a patriot, it makes me…queasy to be reminded that my country’s been acting in a manner befitting a third-rate dictatorship with (despite the efforts of a hero named Michael Lehnart, as mentioned below) only little regard for human freedoms, habeus corpus, internationally-agreed upon Geneva rights or…basic organizational skills like knowing who did what.

And so it falls again to our hero, Jon Stewart of The Daily Show, to give us a bitter pill of truth surrounded by a sweet coating of funny so that folks like yours truly will bother to learn a bit about the horrible, un-American and incompetent things we did over the last 8 years—and so that we remember never to do so again, never ever.

Karen Greenberg: “The disrespect for the rule of law and the constructive role it plays, both domestically and internationally, is appalling—and to think that it makes us less safe to have trials…”


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