This morning Abilene and I found a Monarch Butterfly drowning in the swimming pool!
We thought it was dead, but when we touched it with our net it fluttered!
…so we set it on the side to dry, and after awhile it flew away!
Dearest Abilene…
You were a very good nurse to that butterfly today,
you are moving through the stages fast!
Before we know it, you’ll be grown;
I wonder what the world will be like then…
Will it be suitable to live on?
You love your tree so much! Every time you go outside you have to run around it about 50 times!
Did you know that people cut down trees like yours so that they can have something
soft and disposable to blow their nose on?
It sounds awful,
Your dad is teaching Aristotle again right now,
and the other night he was wondering…
if during times of injustice,
virtues actually run counter to the social norms.
For instance, there may be a time
when people see no problem with cutting down ancient forests in order to blow their nose once,
because they believe whatever makes them happy is OK.
(They might even judge you poorly for carrying your own hankerchief.)
But Abilene when you see a butterfly drowning, you’ll pull it out of the water!
Maybe if everyone got together,
as many people as we could get…
the pursuit of happiness wouldn’t have to run counter to the pursuit of what’s good.
But we’ll have to go fast!
Or else…
Useful links for making Revolution today:
*Nobel Prize winning scientist Christopher Field testified before the senate on Wednesday with new
findings on Climate Change.
*Greenpeace downloadable tissue guide
*350 is the most important number on our planet right now. Did you know?
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