April 17, 2009

elephant journal founder Waylon Lewis featured speaker: Earthfest 2009, Boulder Theater. Free.

Update here, via The Daily Camera. Here’s the comment I left on the Camera’s web site:

It was a great, inspiring, and most of all fun time! Thanks to the organizers—and thanks for featuring yours truly as a speaker. As I tried to say, we’ve got a helluva job to do if we’re going to turn this Climate Change situation around—as Lester Brown said we’ve only got a year to really reverse the tide, and we won’t be able to do so unless 1) we do so in partnership with the local, nat’l and int’l business community and 2) if we have fun working our butts off! 

Waylon Lewis, elephant journal founder, to speak at Earthfest 2009 at Boulder Theater tomorrow. Free.

I’m honored to serve as a featured speaker at Earthfest tomorrow, put on by a bunch of our green-minded colleagues and friends. I’ll be talking a bit about the inspiration that Lester Brown gave me in our interview of a year ago, now, trying to touch on what we all have to do if we really want to make our own survival and thrival as a species a long-term proposition.

I won’t say anything about my consideration of an upcoming’ run for City Council, or how you can help if so inspired, or what my platform will be all about…promise.

Spring Snowstorm forces changes to 1st Annual Earthfest Boulder & Athletic Components

The 1st Annual Earthfest Boulder will be moving indoors due to the spring snowstorm in the region through Saturday. Earthfest Boulder will now be located indoors at the historic Boulder Theatre downtown and will be open from 10:30 AM – 3:00 PM. Earthfest will retain its original schedule of FREE, family-friendly sustainable edutainment activities with live entertainment and a sustainability expo (including ClimateSmart!). Keynote speaker, Jim Cannon, international energy expert and author will address the crowd at 12:40 PM. KBCO is sponsoring the Earthfest After-Party with Nershi’s Blue Planet (featuring String Cheese Incident frontman, Bill Nershi) also at the Boulder Theater, starting at 9p. Elephant Revival will open the show.

The 7th Annual Earth Day 5k Run/Walk will be held Sunday, April 19th with a new start time of 10:30 AM at the CU Research Park.

Earthfest Boulder’s vision is that of “edu-tainment” at its best—educationally, visually, stylistically, musically and environmentally – with the goal of imparting an educational message about conserving natural resources and inspiring lasting change. The event is sponsored by Disneynature’s Earth, Independent Power Systems, and the Colorado Carbon Fund with KBCO as the exclusive radio sponsor. Standard Renewable Energy is the presenting sponsor of the Earth Day 5k. Intrepid Travel and Patagonia are the presenting sponsors of the Dirt Days Adventure Challenge.

Earthfest Boulder is a collaborative effort between the CU Environmental Center, ReDirect Guide, Center for ReSource Conservation, All Phases Event Group, and Adventure Film/Dirt Days.

For detailed information please visit www.EarthfestBoulder.org.


10:30am              Venue Doors

11-11:40am         Jeff Kagan Performs

11:45am              Susan Innis- Speaker

12-12:40am         Swamp Koolers Performs

12:45pm              Waylon Lewis– Speaker

1-1:40pm             Paper Stars Perform

1:45pm                Jim Cannon- Speaker

2-2:40pm             Joey Porter Quartet Performs

2:40- 2:50pm       Closing remarks

3pm                     Event Ends

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