May 18, 2009

elephantjournal.com: six months after going paperless, we’re six ads from break even.

In plain English: check out our ads. If you can support, we’ll support you right back with an ad on every page, in our weekly e-newsletter which goes to thousands of greenies and LOHASers and mindful lifers. Our traffic is steadily growing, so the longer you lock your ad in for the cheaper it’ll get per unique visitor, and the less we’ll charge you, besides. All info here. Our cheapest ads, square, are:

1. SQUARE DISPLAY AD (20 available; our cheapest and most popular):

  • $350 a month if you advertise one month at a time. ($500 prime position).
  • $250 a month if you advertise quarterly ($750)
  • $199 a month if you advertise annually ($2,388)
  • Trade: $400/month if you pay with gift certificate for a year.
  • Want to prepay? Deduct 15% from above prices.

In twitter language: In spirit of sustainability, elephant has met traffic goals & survived 6 month transition 2 web. 6>ads=breakeven. http://bit.ly/11cHCr RT?

In cowboy song (you know, I lost my girl, truck got broke, dog died) language:

Well one day I was in love

just a year ago

my love was called old media

she was pretty to hold

I printed on ecopaper

our distribution went nationallll

then one day I realized she was no good for me.

So I went paperless and six months later got good traffic

but I lost my office

I lost my staff

I lost my fun

My laptop got broke

I gave up my car

I haven’t paid my mortgage in a coupla months

Still I’m happy my business is greener elephant can be fully national (internationallll at that)

and now, six months to the day I’m only well let’s say

six ads or so from breakeven!


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