June 22, 2009

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers Launches Network-Wide Seven Levels of Healing Program

Editor’s introduction: I interviwed Dr. Jeremy Geffen for elephant magazine a few years back…the videos are still on youtube (and embedded below). He’s a legend in the “fighting cancer naturally” arena—well-worth checking out. A few days ago he sent me the below press release—big news:

First Multi-Center Community-Based Oncology Provider in U.S. to Offer Comprehensive Whole-Person Education and Support Program

GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO – Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers (RMCC) today announced a strategic partnership with Jeremy Geffen, MD and Geffen Visions International, Inc. (GVI), Boulder, CO, to implement a leading-edge integrative oncology program, The Seven Levels of Healing, throughout RMCC’s network of cancer care facilities in the State of Colorado.

“We are proud and excited to take this important step in establishing RMCC’s leadership in providing state-of-the-art, whole person, cancer care for patients and loved ones in Colorado,” said Nicholas DiBella, MD, President of RMCC. “This powerful Program has been hugely successful at our Boulder cancer center for the past two years, and we’re thrilled to now expand our collaboration with Dr. Geffen and offer the Program throughout our network.”

The Seven Levels of Healing is a comprehensive integrative oncology education and support program for the whole person, designed to assist participants to skillfully and effectively navigate the journey through cancer. It is unique in that it coherently, and proactively, addresses all aspects of what patients and loved ones encounter on the cancer journey, including: conventional diagnosis and treatment options, the benefits of connection with others, the roles of diet, nutrition, exercise, massage, acupuncture, and other safe and effective complementary therapies, and the profoundly important mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of healing.

The seven-week Program is offered in weekly, two-hour afternoon or evening sessions. It is facilitated by specially-trained RMCC staff and is free-of-charge to anyone touched by cancer. It was created by Dr. Geffen, a board-certified medical oncologist and an internationally renowned pioneer and expert in integrative medicine and oncology. The Program is detailed in his highly-acclaimed book, The Journey Through Cancer: Healing and Transforming the Whole Person (Three Rivers Press, 2006.)

Over the coming months, the Program will be available at RMCC’s facilities in Boulder, Central Denver, Colorado Springs, Littleton, Thornton, Aurora, and Pueblo.

RMCC is the first network of cancer centers in the United States to offer such a comprehensive integrative oncology program, not only to its own patients and family members but to the community at large. In recent years, millions of people with cancer have been searching for clear, reliable guidance about how to create a more holistic, personalized approach to cancer care that is grounded in state-of-the art medicine, yet also addresses their needs and concerns as a whole person. The Seven Levels of Healing provides this guidance in a powerful, effective, inspiring and proven way.

About Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers

RMCC is Colorado’s largest and most comprehensive provider of cancer care, with 20 locations and more than 65 physicians throughout the state. RMCC physicians are actively involved in leading research, with approximately 130 ongoing clinical trials encompassing all major cancer types. From the Rocky Mountain region’s largest blood and marrow transplant program to the latest in radiation technology, RMCC provides the most advanced care for all type of cancers and blood disorders. With the addition of The Seven Levels of Healing program it now offers patients the most comprehensive whole-person approach to cancer care available. For more information, visit RockyMountainCancerCenters.com.

About Geffen Visions International

Geffen Visions International, Inc. is a healthcare education, research, and consulting company dedicated to creating leading-edge, multidimensional approaches to medicine, wellness, and life. Founded by Jeremy Geffen, MD, it assists patients, loved ones, health professionals, and organizations to skillfully and effectively integrate state-of-the-art conventional medicine with a wide array of complementary and mind-body approaches to health and healing. GVI’s leading-edge Seven Levels of Healing program honors and cares for all dimensions of human beings, and promotes healing at the deepest possible levels of the body, mind, heart, and spirit. For more information, visit geffenvisions.com.


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