Living in Colorado is loaded with perks: we have mountains, great weather, a (generally) laid back lifestyle… and some of the best agriculture in the country. This is amazingly evident whenever I visit my local farmers’ market, and with my newest venture into the locavore lifestyle, I become increasingly incredulous that Coloradans would want to want to eat food coming from anywhere else if it can be grown or produced here. Last Sunday I took part in my first farm dinner. Two friends and I made the drive out to Longmont to Ollin Farms for our first experience sitting down in the fields from which our food is produced to enjoy a tasty meal. Before dinner, Mark (the owner) took us on a tour of the farm and talked about his farming methods, his crops, and his general philosophy behind his farming and the farm stand. After that, it was time to sit down under the cottonwoods and enjoy a sumptuous meal prepared by Chef Dale Lamb. The rumble of thunder wasn’t enough to dampen anyone’s spirits as we enjoyed fresh, local food just yards away from the fields where our vegetables sat just that morning. The meats were also local, the beef coming from Frank Silva’s Natural Homestead Beef and the chickens from Ollin Farms itself. The multi-course meal was one of the best I’ve had in quite a while, and I couldn’t think of a better place to eat it than on the farm directly with acoustic guitar playing in the background. There are a few different options for farm dinners, both via Ollin Farms directly or through Meadow Lark Farm Dinners. Either way, diners are served the highest quality, best food available and are able to support local farmers and their families. The only caveat is that the farm dinners tend to sell out fast, so don’t spend a lot of time contemplating whether or not attending one is right for you or your family (the dinners are very family friendly). What are you waiting for? Go eat on the farm!
Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the…
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