July 15, 2009

Fashion as Mindfulness. Video.

Fashion is more than Getting Dressed in the Morning. It’s (a very fun kind of) Mindfulness.

Someone tweeted that they were trippin’ out on the below video yesterday, someone cool…don’t remember who. So I clicked on the link…and went off to the Spot Climbing Gym to boulder a bit, and then to the Valmont Coal Plant hearing at the Boulder Courthouse, then rushed home to romp with my dog in the parks and to Whole Foods where I got Chubby Hubby in prep for watching the very unchubby Spartans of my Netflixed- “300” fight the pervy Persians…and didn’t get around to watch it ’til this morning. It’s certainly trip-worthy:

What Are You Wearing Today? Video from Sidney Lo.

This video reminds me of something I say to a few hipster friends—my dear friend Lina, who now (of course) lives in Williamsburg, but who used to work at Burnt Toast, a great more-eco-than-most restaurant with the best pastries (by a mile) in Boulder. I now say the same thing to Bethany, our ex-intern and still-barista at Laughing Goat. You should take a photo of yourself every morning, make it a coffee table book, everyone would love it. Some folks just are on another plane when it comes to fashion. I like to think I have good style—but it ain’t great, it ain’t like these folks. Fashion can be more than getting dressed. Whether your office or school has a dress code, or not, you can treat your get up as a work of art—or as a forgotten, forgettable minor hassle.

And that’s why the above video, and this subject generally, is elephant-worthy. Because there’s something incredibly mindful in how Lina and Bethany get dressed—every little thing they wear, and how their hair gets cut, etc., is imbued with fun and joy, and is more or less deliberate.

Via the aforementioned Lina:

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