Update! Three tweets, one facebook status update, one blog &, all told, over 50,000 people tweeted/commenting later, I just heard back from Comcast on twitter, and now on this blog. I’ve emailed them. We’ll see…I’m hopeful. ~ W.
Comcast: old school bully or new media friendly? We’ll find out soon enough.
Comcast: how to lose customers and create bad publicity.
Social media (twitter, facebook) to the rescue?
Comcast, and many such big impersonal companies (read: AT&T) have long played hardball with helpless customers. Now, the New York Times reports, many of the more innovative, alive such companies are changing their ways thanks to social media like twitter and facebook.
Two hours ago, I posted this to my 7,500 followers on twitter and another 1,000 followers on my personal twitter account. My followers supported me, perhaps feeling my pain, by retweeting (forwarding) my tweet to approximately 50,000 followers of theirs, combine, over the next hour. That’s no exaggeration. And that’s a great way for a company to get bad word of mouth, in a hurry. (I’d warning my comcast rep, via email, that I was going to do so, and received no response).
One hour ago, I posted the below to my Facebook. Check out all the comments, below.
Now, with still no reply, I’m posting this to my blog, elephantjournal.com, that (as of today) gets 69,000 unique visitors a month. You wanna play hardball, Comcast? I don’t: I want to settle this fairly—and I’ll shake the bushes into you care to come out and play fair. Here’s my facebook page:
brotha, true that. add verizon and qwest.
about an hour ago · Delete
I did not even know comcast had wireless! I just use a cable modem for my internet.
about an hour ago · Delete
i’m a qwest girl.
about an hour ago · Delete
i mean add them to the boycott, they are all just as devious as possible.
about an hour ago · Delete
Kyna z
can you keep the wireless and downgrade at least and use at home??
about an hour ago · Delete
We broke the Comcast habit about six months ago 🙂
58 minutes ago · Delete
Welcome to the Comcast Sucks club….
53 minutes ago · Delete
Alex Marsh
Agreed. Comcast are Pirate Hookers.
53 minutes ago · Delete
Yeah, their contracts are brutal. You can probably “change” your service to something you can use (gold package digital cable at home or something?), as long as you’re spending the same amount of money. Ask to speak to a manager, and then their manager, and then their manager. And definitely call the Public Utilities Commission and ask for advice.
51 minutes ago · Delete
WHAT? That is over the top. Notice how this addendum was probably added over the past few months as fear has pervaded society during recession. I mean, can you call back and discuss with someone else? This is bordering on criminal.
50 minutes ago · Delete
Waylon Lewis
I’ve emailed them and told them I will make as much noise as I can, and be fair about it, until they get reasonable–like allow me to switch to home account. It’s not like the 3 year contract was optional, or gave me a better deal. $89/month for biz wireless at home, when my accountant, the lovely Samara, is paying $25/month. I will make them pay, or they will get reasonable–like allowing me to switch to home service.
50 minutes ago · Delete
Good luck talking sense to them. All Comcast has is bad press (i.e. see the consumerist) but still they truck on into the depths of corporate sucker-dom.
47 minutes ago · Delete
Comcast SUCKS they are structed to screw you out of hard earned money!! Comcast is so corrupt it’s rediculous!!!!
46 minutes ago · Delete
Good luck with it! I’m doubtful however… this sounds like the track that i’ve been on/off with AT&T over the past yrs. They are all… what did Alex say… ‘pirate hookers’. Def plan to get in touch with bigger muscle like Public Util Comm or BBB, letters to Comcast Pres, etc.
46 minutes ago · Delete
modern day slavery – sneaky, bureaucratic, and government approved. BOYCOTTTTTT!!!
46 minutes ago · Delete
Time to send Swami Ed Shapiro to talk with them. They’re likely to see the error of their ways, or at the least, cut you a break for making them laugh! Can you transfer it to someone else, you know, not me, but someone?
42 minutes ago · Delete
Several tactics you can use:Twitter your problem and use #comcast…If they are “listening” you may get help…here is a link from RipOff Report highlighting how you can dispute charges from comcast with your bank if it comes directly from your account or with your credit card company if they have your cc #. Hope this helps! http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/449/RipOff0449453.htm
25 minutes ago
Tiffany, the “problem” is that comcast and qwest AND verizon and others use those contracts and tactics HOPING for default, just like credit cards and banks etc…
11 minutes ago · Delete
waylon – i am wondering… did they change the contract on you after you signed up?
Waylon Lewis
There’s been another 20 comments in the last 20 minutes, but you get the idea. We may not yet be Robin Hoods, with arrows of Twitter and Facebook and blogs, but we can begin to fight back against unfair corporate practices.
Bonus: in the same vein, the below vids re United breaking Dave Carroll’s gee-tar have received a grand total of nearly 7 million views…and counting. With thanks for the tip to John Windsor. Go social media, it’s a customer-led revolution!
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Waylon Lewis | Contribution: 882,435
Waylon Lewis, founder of Elephant Journal & host of Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis, is a 1st generation American Buddhist “Dharma Brat.” Voted #1 in U.S. … Read full bio