We reported on the White House Farmers’ Market last week, and that little blog was picked up on over 40 outlets around the country. Now, here’s a bunch of videos of Michelle Obama shopping and opening the Farmers’ Market from two days ago. First, an excerpt from ele’s post last week might offer some context:
Presidential leadership is about vision. It’s about planning ahead, and guiding our society in a manner that takes our grandchildren’s grandchildren into consideration—after all, we all want America to continue to be a source of inspiration and good governance the world over.
But leadership is also about walking your talk: the devil, and angels, are in the details. And so it is particularly inspiring to see the Obamas welcome a farmers’ market to their neighborhood. After all, supporting US farmers and eating healthfully is something Republicans and Democrats, and even those Liberatarian types can get behind..
...for the rest, and the link to the NY Times article, click here. Videos:
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