April 21, 2010

Whole Foods earmarks $10 million to cut energy use 25% in 5 years.

Green saves Green

Whole Foods continues to prove that a publicly-traded company can continue to lead the way environmentally and make dough doing so—retaining customer good will and saving money while getting kajillions of bucks’ worth of free press. Love it:

Via the Statesman: Whole Foods Market Inc. vowed to … reduce consumption in stores by 25 percent per square foot by 2015.

“Saving energy costs less than buying it, so we are reducing our appetite for energy from both traditional and renewable sources,” said Kathy Loftus, Whole Foods’ global leader of sustainable engineering and energy management.

In announcing the initiative, company officials say they will enact more “green building” practices, as well as other measures to increase energy from renewable sources (such as using solar and wind power) and cut emissions.

The company has earmarked $10 million over the next 18 months “for additional retrofit and upgrade projects,” to increase the efficiency of its refrigeration, lighting and air-conditioning systems, Loftus said…for the whole story, click over to The Statesman.

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