May 9, 2010

Heart Attack for the Cure.

From the Dept. of WTF: KFC’s Buckets for the Cure (!?)

Thanks to twitter, just saw this exasperated 140 character expression of bewildered rationality:

While I’m genuinely psyched to see a big company pitch in and contribute significant amounts of dough to fight breast cancer…well, the form of said contribution is so painfully ironic as to be funny…if it weren’t so depressing.

Buckets for the Cure

KFC restaurants throughout Kansas City are joining the fight against breast cancer by participating in KFC’s national Buckets for the Cure™ campaign. The partnership between KFC and Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has as its goals educating more women about breast health, generating support for the organization and raising funds with a target of making the single largest donation in the history of Komen for the Cure.

KFC will be dedicating the special pink buckets to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, with 50 cents being donated for each pink bucket purchased by KFC restaurant operators between April 5 and May 9, 2010. The pink buckets will be available in participating restaurants April 12 through May 23. Additional customer donations can be made by visiting www.bucketsforthecure.com.

Bonus, Stephen Colbert’s “World, Saved”:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
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