July 10, 2010

Spirit Airlines sexploits BP Oil Spill.

Leave it to Capitalism to figure a way to have fun (you know, make money) at the expense of tragedy!

Too soon for sexy tacky humor re: BP Oil Spill? Uh, yeah.

Oil ruined beaches down south? Then come to beaches our airlines services:

But Spirit Airlines didn’t stop there. Their next genius “I mean, c’mon, gimme a break” ad [source: Treehugger]

via Daily Mail:

The airline, based in Fort Lauderdale, used the adverts on its website to promote low fares to its coastal destinations in Florida as well as other hotspots like Cancun in Mexico and San Juan in Puerto Rico.

Many Americans have condemned the carrier for cashing in on the disaster.

Online campaigns against the company, and a few in support of their ‘black humour’, have been set up on social networking sites Twitter and Facebook…

…click over to Daily Mail for the rest of the story.

Reality: howwabout unemployment? Fishing ruined for thousands upon thousands of families? Fish, dolphin, whale, and turtle and bird populations crushed (especially those dependent on eggs for the next generation)?

As much as we like black humor, chutzpah and sex appeal…we like tackiness less.


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