We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig quotes
Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you” Nathaniel Hawthorne quotes
Words from a Happy Person.
I am happy. Plain and Simple. Nothing Earth Shattering. NO enlightened state with birds singing, no perfection and everything I ever wanted…well sort of actually. REM could write songs about me…(“Hey, hey, hey! Pull this bus over to the side of the pretentiousness turnpike! I want everybody out, I want the shiny people over here and the happy people over here! Thank you Dennis Leary) Yep I’m so happy I annoy myself. And I have to tell you it feels good.
But here is what I have discovered. I got happy before I made my first million – in fact I’m happy even though we are broke (no seriously I am just grateful they don’t still use debtor prisons..shiver; although might be a good place to start a yoga class…hmmmm) I’m happy even though I may never have a “bikini ready” body — as touted by the silly woman’s magazine at the whole paycheck …errr whole foods checkout line… Apparently “bikini ready” means SEXY FLAT ABS, A FIRM LIFTED BUTT and JIGGLE FREE ARMS>… damn. OH well my definition as of now for “bikini ready” ??? A hot summer day and cool pool to jump in..End of story.
I’m happy even though none of my kids currently live near me and I miss them like crazy, even though my son is going to Iraq in a few months…and my grandson definitely lives to far away. They are in my heart.
I’m happy without being able to the splits, with my bad knee and the ridiculous craving for sugar that I’d love to leave me alone. Hey I’m off the caffeine…let’s take this a step at a time.
I’m happy with my bathroom sink that we can’t seem to ever keep completely unclogged — it’s a plumbing mystery (one that set us back 50 dollars in different size “snakes” — did you know there were different sizes? and they can’t be returned, be warned)
I’m more than OK with all of that…hell I’m happy because of it..Why? You might ask? Because every day I get to watch people relax, learn and grow. Because at the end of every yoga class I get to say Shanti Shanti Shanti and Namaste and at least one person sighs and it’s like the music of angels.
But it’s more than that— as I stood and looked at all the magazines tonight I realized something that i never thought I would…I’m OK just the way I am, I am enough. It really and truly without a doubt doesn’t matter if I ever look like a model. It is ridiculous to care what the scale says. And in that moment I knew — I will never again do something for the “calorie burn” or the “muscle building” or my “pant size”…from this moment forward I will walk because it feels good…I will practice yogasana to keep my mind and body capable…I will hike to see wonders…I will “stay in shape” as a means to do the things I love, not to change anything about myself.
I will continue to eat right because it makes me FEEL good. I will not look in the mirror and worry about a wrinkle or sagging jaw line and I will revel in each gray hair. Not because I am ready to give up or grow old; on the contrary I am no longer willing to invest my energy— to waste my energy on worrying about such silly things.
I don’t mind if the sun wrinkles me – as long as I get to be outside. I will never again contemplate spending money on high priced skin care because really the Coconut Oil is just fine.
And when my husband tells me I’m beautiful I’m going to believe him and say thank you. And when I’m teaching I’m not going to feel insecure if I’m not as “thin” as some of my students. I am me.
I am me and that is enough. I am me and that is more than enough. I am me and I am full of love and hope and courage and curiosity and wisdom…and when it comes right down to it —- just accepting who we are, as we are…That is happiness.
And while I’m at it I am going to revel in everyone’s beauty — no matter what form it comes in.
When was the last time you just LOVED yourself? Just as you are today, now, in this moment…In ALL your gloriously wonderful humanness??
Try it…who knows maybe you’ll like it.
This week’s Asana: Savasana Find Stillness and who knows that butterfly my come to rest within your heart!
This week’s Wellness Tip: Get out of your head! Do at least one physical activity for the sheer joy of it. Skip a grueling cardio session for a yin yoga or a gentle yoga class. Take a walk with a friend…Take an easy hike and go slow and enjoy the view. Begin living your life for the living not the attaining — let go of a goal. For an extra boost of happiness skip your fitness magazine reading or your get skinny or firmer or “get whatever” reading and just enjoy where you are today. You can go back to the treadmill if you like, but I invite you to give the softer side of fitness a try; focusing on health and wellness.
This week’s Mantra: inhale I AM exhale ME
Sharon DeNofa is an award-winning author of Happily Ever NOT receiving the Gold for the…
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