May 27, 2011

Be Inspired the Next Time You’re Asked, “What Do You Do?” ~ Lindsay Love

Photo: AGeekMom

The question, “What do you do?” is often asked to break the ice in conversation.

The response is generally something along the lines of “I’m a retail manager” or “I’m a salesman.” The next time you are approached with this question, try to break the ice a little deeper. Ask yourself, what do you do? What is your ultimate action of purpose that is manifesting in your life in that specific moment?

Perhaps you will find you can respond with “I’m a lover,” “I’m a friend,” or even “I’m a student of life in pursuit of my dharmic daydream!” Give them an idea of who you truly are, as titles and positions give little and sometimes misleading insight.

Each one of us is born with unique talents to contribute to our environment and beyond. This is known as dharma, your purpose in which you were created. Many may know exactly why they are here, others may still be seeking and some, unfortunately, feel as though they have no purpose. “Do what you Love and Love what you Do” is a familiar phrase but we all know it is easier said than done. Or is it?

For example, you are a singer/songwriter but it doesn’t pay the bills so you wait tables on the weekend to afford the basic necessities for yourself or for your family. Does that mean that singing or writing is no longer your purpose in life?

Of course not. We are all on the journey to explore self-expression, creative outlets and enjoy life in our Divine purpose. If you must supplement that with additional responsibilities, you are still following your destined path.

Take a moment to list five of your unique talents. Maybe you are a parent that loves unconditionally, a faithful and supportive lover, a seamstress, an artist, photographer or cook. Embrace your dharma and may it shine in all that you do; after all, it is what you do.


Lindsay Love is a certified children’s yoga and meditation instructor, creative artist, fire dancer, community organizer, and volunteer. She is joined in her journey by her daughter and inspiration, Baila Love, age 3.

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