July 29, 2011

Tom Cruise is crazy for Scientology! [the Leaked Video]

“Ten years ago, this video of Tom Cruise was leaked to the internet. It was a disaster for both Cruise and the Church of Scientology.”

Tom Cruise is coo-coo for Scientology!

The youtube comments are hysterical:

That music in the background is driving me to insanity.
Poor guy only asked him if he wanted a beverage.
I’ve never listened to someone for that long and had literally no idea any of the things that they were trying to say.
This is like when you have to babysit your friend who is on acid and listen to them rambling while tripping balls
I watched the entire 9.34 minutes and I could not tell you what he said. And that sudden nutjob burst of laughter scared the shit out of me. Great actor but what a fruit loop.
Via Reddit, another humdinger comment:

“Being a scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it because you know you’re the only one who can really help.” ‘DON’T MOVE YOUR NECK SIR. SIR DO NOT MOVE. I’M NOT A DOCTOR BUT I AM RENOWNED ACTOR AND SCIENTOLOGIST, TOM CRUISE, AND YOU’RE IN LUCK BUD CAUSE I’M THE ONLY ONE WHO’S REALLY GONNA BE ABLE TO HELP YOU TODAY.’



And Scientology was Born. {Spoken Word by L. Ron Hubbard’s great-grandson}

“Legacy of lies I still carries in my last name.”

L. Ron Hubbard’s great Grandson, Jamie DeWolf, filmed in 2011.


A few bonuses from Elephant:


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