August 9, 2011

Celebrity/Luxury/Exotic/Intensive! Yoga Spa Retreat! ~ Lee Graham

Space is limited, so register now for a once in a lifetime chance to study with Sri Sri Ben Bendy. The founder of God Particle Yoga will personally help you master your inner blah, blah, blah…

Okay okay, so that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but certainly we’ve all opened up a copy of Yoga Journal or browsed yoga websites with such ads. Maybe it features a yogi in some insanely advanced pose — think eka hasta adho mukha vrkshasana 2 (see photo left). Or maybe a tropical paradise complete with misty jungle, or black sand beaches and volcanic rocks. Or perhaps a woman enjoying a hot stone massage surrounded by lotus petals.

You can almost hear Deva Premal playing in the background. Who wouldn’t want to be there? But, do keep in mind that exploring the unknown can be quite exciting.

Mix it up, have fun!

That unknown yogi at the studio down the street may be surprisingly deepening to your practice.

If you’re able, taking an extended trip to someplace faraway may be rewarding.

Randomly popping in to foreign shalas can be quite the adventure. In many parts of the world, these extended hiatuses can be very affordable — especially with the money you’ll have saved by skipping the luxury retreat. I love going to new and different yoga classes or retreats wherever I’m wandering.

In fact, some of the best classes I have ever had were with unknown yogis, who were just passionate about yoga and not so overly enmeshed in the business of yoga. Just because a yogi is a killer self-promoter, doesn’t mean they are a bad yogi, necessarily. But it doesn’t mean they are the best yogi for you, either.

Sure, I go to Celebrity retreats; I’ll be in Mysore, India studying at a well known shala in a couple of weeks. But I will also make an effort to seek out other yogis along the way and to learn from them. And maybe, just maybe, they will learn something from me.

By the way, if Bob Weir can coin “Rocket Yoga,” then I definitely calls dibs on “God Particle Yoga.” Guess I had better reserve myself a YJ centerfold to advertise for my first tropical, massage-filled, God Particle Yoga Intensive! See you there!


Lee Graham is a reformed carpetbagger and symptomatic nomad who is trying hard to undo the karma accumulated during the first 36 years of his life, while attempting to maintain a sense of humor at the insanity of his own ways and the world around him. When not doing yoga, diving or skiing, he generally spends time attempting to perfect his savasana. Contact him by email: [email protected].

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