November 23, 2011

Mario vs. PETA.

Really, he does.


Relephant and rare defensive comment via Reddit (where everyone seems to hate PETA):

“PETA isn’t a pet shelter. PETA offers a cheap euthanisation service for owners who are otherwise unable to pay for euthanisation at regular clinics, or putting the pets into shelters, in order to prevent pet abandonment. This is a tiny fraction of what PETA does, their core business is marketing vegetarianism and investigating claims of animal abuse. Many of the horrible animal abuse videos you see exist because of PETA investigations.

Furthermore the people that originally publicised the out-of-context statistics that have led to half the internet believing PETA are horrible animal murderers were created by the Centre for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a group that’s frequently described as a “shameless lobbyist” for fast food giants and Big Tobacco.

So…congratulations. Your opinion has unknowingly been bought by corporate america and are using you to spread slander about groups they hate.”

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