November 29, 2011

Occupy Nature.

Dancing Clouds, Circling Stars. Zane Edwards’ “Occupy Nature.”

Full screen it!

Zane Edwards says:

Over the past several months, I have been working on creating
time-lapse videos and photos of the mountains surrounding the Boulder [Colorado] area. Tonight I finally have put together something that I would like
to offer as a reminder that even during this dark age, beauty is still here in our back yard!


Zane Edwards says:

This is hours worth of filming time-lapses that I shot in the middle of the Rocky Mountains, to the streets of Denver, from 12,000 feet above sea level, to 20 degrees Fahrenheit, up early in the morning to staying up all night, from clouds and planes to stars and cars. This is how I want to occupy the world and share for others to see!

Music is Discovery: Osaka Loop Line


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