January 4, 2012

20 Reasons I would rather vote for Ron Paul than Santorum.

Seriously. If Voldermort were real and had death-eaters and all kinds of children’s book baddies swirling about, folks would see him for what he is and fight him.

Santorum, however, looks human. We might not oppose him with the same magical wizardry. But he doesn’t like humans.

Here’s 20 Reasons I’d rather do just about anything than live in a country presided over by President Santorum.

1. “Gay People Should Stop Being Gay”

2. I like Republicans. Eisenhower Republicans. Republicans who like people, not just rich people. I actually enjoy watching the GOP debates, and hearing from “the other side.” Yes, I’m liberal—but I’m American, first, and know that many Republicans have a different way of seeing things and that respectful differences are essential to democracy. But Santorum, lest you young’uns forget, was instrumental for many years in creating the kind of combative culture in DC that destroyed our leaders’ ability to compromise and corroded their ability to see politics as more than a football game to be won at any cost.

3. Here was his victory speech last night: GODGODGODGODGODGOD not your GOD my MACHOGODGODGODGODGODGOD minus Jesus’ compassion and love. (He wound up losing by six votes, which really is a tie—he ran a brilliant, grassroots campaign without any media attention or money ’til the very end—his surge’s timing was impeccable—for all that he deserves great credit).

4. Does the thought of millions of Republicans googling Santorum make anyone else happy?

5. His own nephew endorsed Ron Paul: “Santorum’s interventionist policies, both domestic and foreign, stem from his irrational fear of freedom not working” he said.

6. He’s virulently anti-abortion, under any circumstances: you know, rape, incest…but his own wife had an abortion. That’s different. 2005 NYT article More hypocrisy? He struggled To Explain Why He Called For Clinton To Resign, Yet Gave Vitter A Free Pass. Also, John Ensign.

7. He says: States Should Have The Right To Outlaw Birth Control.

8.  He says that waterboarding isn’t torture, though even doubters who’ve undergone it for even a few seconds have admitted it is. Torture is un-American—and ineffective. (Megan McCain: “Rick Santorum telling my father doesn’t know about torture is like Carrot Top telling Lebron James he doesn’t know about basketball.”)

9. His God would have a major role in your law. (dailykos.com) Still, other religions, like…”environmentalism,” say, he calls “a religion of its own that’s being pushed on the American public.” More on that. Also, he called JFK ‘Radical’ For Believing In Separation Of Church & State.

10. Of course, a great economic and global threat, climate change, is just a Liberal Conspiracy. “The idea that man… is somehow responsible for climate change is just patently absurd. It’s just an excuse for more government control of your life… I’ve never accepted the junk science behind the whole narrative.”

11. He’s wide-open to the idea of war with Iran. He says he would bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities unless inspectors were allowed in.

12. Here’s his remarks about DADT.

13. He believes God asked him to run for President. Now, I’m down with prayer and worship but if it doesn’t extend to compassion and kindness…I doubt your “God.”

14. He gets poor people, yes he does. “We don’t need food stamps because obesity rates are so high.”

15. He likes to talk macho, but the active duty military is overwhelmingly donating to his opponent, Ron Paul.

16. On welfare: “I Don’t Want To Make Black People’s Lives Better” With Taxpayer Money.

17. But, if you love Santorum, shop at Urban Outfitters.

19. Oh, Rick. “Santorum says fighting gay marriage is akin to Lincoln’s fight against slavery.”

20. He “Campaigns on His Disabled Daughter but Opposes Disability Rights.”

Anything else? Anything incorrect, unfair? Let me know in comments, and I’ll add/amend/subtract.

Here’s 20 reasons I wouldn’t vote for Ron Paul, though I respect him. We welcome respectful dialogue on elephant that we all can learn from. Here’s two proPaul rebuttals we published.

PS: Ron Paul has some weird/questionable history…but he doesn’t appear to be a racist.

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