July 4, 2012

This is what one sip of soda does to your body.

>> Update (January, 2015): Coke plans to make their soda less sweet in Canada. (That doesn’t make the below info less disturbing, sadly.)
>> Update (March 2018): The New York Times published an article on how to reduce your sugar intake. The first thing on the list? No more soda.

I live in the fittest state in the nation. But before we go patting ourselves on our toned backs, let’s remember: only 20 years ago, when I graduated high school, our current state of obesity would have made us the fattest state in the nation.

Stat: America’s gaining weight, and quickly.

Time to wake up, parents in particular! ~ Waylon Lewis, ed.

Click here for Map.

Think the below is sca-wee? It gets scarier.

Note: Double-click image to make it huge and readable:



According to one of our readers, the chemical that should be listed on this image is Bisphenol A, as there are two phenol groups in this chemical.


What Happens One Hour After Drinking A Can Of Coke


Do you know what’s in your beer? Know your beer. Enjoy your beer: 

Weight loss, racism, self-acceptance, humor:

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