September 6, 2012

Rule Number One: Be Real!

As yoga teachers navigating the world of marketing, sales and promotions, we need a set of rules we can live with.

The first Rule of Facebook and social media marketing is “Be Real.”

Hah you scoff, I keep it real…I did a 10 minute headstand in class today. Then you got on Facebook, pitched your retreat, offered up some life change if people came to your six pm class and left. Yeah, just like that. Ruling the world from your iPhone. Is that you being real?

The reflection we see on Facebook has to be a reflection of who we are in real life. It is a small secret, but real people read your status updates. Real people decide whether to like, comment or share your social content. When you post a status update, ask yourself if you are being real. Is this who I am? We know you love yoga and want us to know you are teaching or selling something. What we want to know is who you really are. Follow rule number one and we will show you the love you know you deserve.

As Michelle Obama said,

“Success isn’t about how much money you make, it’s about the differences you make in other people’s lives.”

You are a student, a teacher, a yogi. You are a rising force who can empower people to live better lives. When you share the wealth of love and knowledge you have, you become the mirror we all want to look into. Be a teacher every opportunity you get, especially on Facebook.


Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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