October 2, 2012

Cher the Road.

Cher recently went on an eloquent (sure, it’s twitter, but I manage to speak English) extended hate-ginning-up rant against road cyclists.

Before we get to the good stuff, let’s just remind folks: cyclists are humans. Some will be jerks. The difference between a cyclist jerk and a car or truck jerk is, when they get in an argument, cyclists always lose.

So share the road. Often cyclists are instructed by signs (when there’s no shoulder or bike lane) to use the full car lane. I know this because I nearly get killed trying to obey the law even here in Boulder, where we don’t seem to bother to offer bike lanes on many major throughways (parked cars deserve the space, more, right?).

In any case, breathe. Chill. Communicate and listen. Road rage ain’t good for anyone—and if you’re famous and rich and you still are sounding off like a Terrible Two, well, that’s amoronic.

With thanks for the tip on the below Twitter Rant via Cher to Robbie Stout via 303 Cycling, who penned the below:

Nope, not in the 303 area but boy does this sound familiar. Cheri should get in touch with her county commissioner to get shoulders added to the roads and if her complaint is about those going downhill then try meditation (but not while driving please)

Via twitchy, and Twitter, and Cher herself:

FKNG bike riders on PCH! I HATE THEM ! Almost got in accident AGAIN ! Sic of these IDIOTS! Pull in front of u & theres nowhere 2 go!

Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

Cannot say enough about these
Insane fks! Im still shaking !
8 of them pulled in our lane & there was no place 4 us 2 go!
happens constantly—
Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

Fkng BICYCLES !!!!!!!
Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

@tarzanbeta are you crazy ! I almost killed—
Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

Yikes! We haven’t seen Cher this angry since her latest tweets about Mitt Romney and “tea bags.”

Cher likes motorcycles, but who knew she detests bike riders with such passion?

Apparently many of her Twitter followers agree:

@cher Bicyclists are worse than people in Escalades! They think they own the fkn road!—
Lora Riggs (@lolaperry) September 30, 2012

@cher I’v found installation of train horn undr hood helps n thes situatns A short blast and PCH bicyclists bcum body surfers likidysplit!—
Kerby Hyland (@kerbicide) September 30, 2012

@cher I hate bicyclists, they think they own the road. So self-righteous.—
Julie Daniel (@thejuliedaniel) September 30, 2012

@Cher I hate when cyclists get in my way too. They ultimately have no respect for the drivers.—
Shaneth Varosa (@shanethvarosa) September 30, 2012

And we thought Cher’s fans were worried about global warming. Silly us!

* * *

Update: Is Cher tweeting from behind the wheel of a car?

In car.Its hard to twt ! Have wonderful Day/Night! Its beautiful here ! Sorry bout
“Little Over The Top”Rant re cyclists,BUT omg Urrr! Yuck—
Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

* * *

Nope, she was riding shotgun:

Thanx 4 absolutely 0 !!!
I was riding Shot Gun! I would NEVER TWT,TXT,Talk on iPhone! You can kill ppl if u do that !—
Cher (@cher) September 30, 2012

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