November 19, 2012

Caught Blue Handed: The Real Reason I Voted For Obama. ~ Spice Jones


I want Obamacare to drain the system and leave everyone living on the streets!

A friend on Facebook posted a hateful and horrible graphic that stated the following:

“Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a free cellphone, food stamps, section eight housing, a six-pack of beer and he’ll vote for a democrat the rest of his life.”

I was inspired to write the following in hopes of shedding some light on the notion that those of us who voted for President Obama are selfish and mindless heathens (thanks Fox News!).

In addition to “beer for bums” and “cellphones for bums”—

I agree with keeping people on welfare forever!

I want my parents and their friends to work two jobs while young able-bodied people live on handouts and get food stamps! Seriously, who in the hell wants to learn how to fish?

I want the guys in the military (including the four in my family) to go off to war ill prepared and underfunded.

I believe in death squads—the more the merrier!

I want Obamacare to drain the system and leave everyone living on the streets—maybe the baby boomers will have to work three jobs!

The ultra conservatives are exactly right, my vote had nothing to do with supporting a political party that sees women as equals and believes they are capable of making thoughtful and conscientious decisions for themselves and their families. And I certainly didn’t consider the idea that maybe the less fortunate should continue to get some support until we, as a nation, are back on our feet—and of course I see no difference between those who have real needs and those who are milking the system.

Yes, I didn’t consider the ramifications of losing our credit rating and selling our country to China. I seriously have no clue about the dangers of the debt that’s been created and as a result gave no thought as to which economic plan made more sense for me and my community.

On top of that, the notion that the U.S. needs to work with the international community instead of telling them what to do never crossed my mind.

I can’t imagine why we need to tread lightly as we move into an energy future that will hopefully offer alternative sources to the insanity that continues to take place with our suppliers in the Middle East.

And lastly, I never considered the views of family and friends who agree with the Republican agenda. I’m glad their candidate lost and and I’m especially glad that they’re worried about the future because of the decision I helped to make.

Whew! Feels good to clear that up.

It bothered me that people assumed I put some thought into my decision and might have actually voted according to what I felt was best for my friends, my family and my community.


I’m Spice Jones, a writer splitting time between my urban roots in Atlanta, Georgia and my spiritual retreat, Boulder, Colorado. I write random things, I share random photographs, and I spend the bulk of my energy trying to shape an extremely twisted sense of humor into something productive (read lucrative). In my past life I was a producer in the film business. I traveled to many places and had the most amazing experiences but eventually realized (with the help of angry friends) the craziness was having an impact on my soul and I needed to jump ship before the damage turned permanent and I was disowned by those I loved. Now I’m a writer who turns to gardening and homemaking when the creative blocks set in. In the summer I plan weddings for Colorado brides and in the winter I build fires and craft in an effort to balance out a crack worthy addiction to reality television—she who is without sin may cast the first remote. My greatest achievement to date is reeling in my amazing husband. Chris is a camera operator in the film business, a balls to the wall adventurer and a gifted chef who’s idea of a great time is spending long evenings preparing insane meals for just the two of us to enjoy—score! My secret delight is being one of the many women who love the freedoms that come with non-motherhood and unconventional work. One of the goals of my writing is to share the joys I get to share daily with my like minded friends and hopefully spread the confidence (where’s my soapbox? where’s my microphone?) for all women to embrace their resistance to corporate job applications, to face down the stares of pity for not wanting children, and to build stress free lives filled with the rewards that come from loving simple pleasures—because this is what life is truly about.


Ed: Evan Livesay

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