January 29, 2013

Advice from Amma. ~ Kate Brenton

Photo: amma.org

“Do or do not. There is no try.” ~ Yoda

Like many of us, endeavoring to make use of our gifts and calling forth a new Year of the Snake, I have been hemming and hawing over the next step. I’ve been ruminating on why some desires have not come into full fruition.

We are constantly trying, which leaves room for not doing.

Why? I wonder. It is due to my wondering that a recent reading illuminated why I fail. The space between certainty and uncertainty is indeed the space we crave, but rarely know.

The hugging saint, Ammachi, shares an illuminating story from her book From Amma’s Heart:

One devotee was dozing off as he was trying to mediate. Amma threw a chocolate kiss at him. Amma has perfect aim. The chocolate hit right on the spot between his eyebrows. The man opened his eyes with a start. With the chocolate kiss in his hand, the man looked around to find out where it had come from. Seeing his plight, Amma burst into laughter. When he realized that Amma had thrown it, the man’s face lit up. He touched the chocolate to his forehead as if bowing to it. But the next moment he laughed aloud, and then got up from his seat and walked up to Amma.

Questioner: The Kiss hit the right spot, between the eyebrows, the spiritual center. Maybe this will help open my third eye.

Amma: It won’t.

Questioner: Why?

Amma: Because you said “maybe;” this means you are doubtful. Your faith is not complete. How can it happen if you have no faith?

Questioner: So are You saying that it would happen if I had full faith?

Amma: Yes. If you have complete faith, realization can happen at anytime, anywhere.

Questioner: Are You serious?

Amma: Yes, of course.

Questioner: Oh my God…did I miss a great opportunity!

Amma: Don’t worry, be aware and be wakeful. Opportunities will come again. Be patient and keep trying. (175)

In life’s meandering, it is our dedication to the miraculous in every moment that turns doubt into fruition.

Amma has dedicated her life tirelessly to the service of others.

To read more go to www.amma.org.



Ed: Brianna Bemel
Assistant Ed. Caroline Scherer

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