March 17, 2013

Look at Your Life with Eyes of Wonder.

My little girl, Madeline is three and a half.

Every day she asks me what our plan is for the day.

Today she said, “Mommy, what are we doing now?”  I told her we were getting dressed. “Then what?” I explained we’d go down for breakfast.  “Then what?”  Our next step would be heading to school. “Then what?” I reminded her she’d play, have lunch, take a nap and when she woke up, I’d be there to pick her up. “Then what?”  I then proceeded to explain our usual evening routine beginning with snack, more play, dinner, bath, stories and bed.  At the end of the conversation, she asked, “Why Mommy?”

When I explained the why behind our schedule, she opened her eyes wide open, paused, and took it all in.

This little girl was so intent on learning every detail of the day that lay ahead of her and then requested a defined explanation.

Are you looking at your day through eyes of wonder?

You hear it all the time, “Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.”

If you’re like me, you probably get so caught up with your busy, high paced distracted life that you forget to look at the world through the eyes of a child. A child with a precocious, curious nature about how exciting and wondrous the world actually is. Move away from distractions. Unplug. Tap back into nature and the wonder of this miraculous world.

The next time you are so plugged in you can’t see straight, unplug and reconnect with the wonder of the world that still lives inside of you and everywhere around you.

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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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