April 5, 2013

Do You Trust Your Intuition?

When I was younger I didn’t have a friggin’ clue that I had something called intuition.

I guess it had been there all along, telling me I deserved better, not to date the guy that was treating me like crap, not to eat foods I knew weren’t great for my bod’, or make a choice I knew I’d regret.

Do you trust your intuition? Do you hear your inner voice? Do you heed its call or do you shove it down like a lot of people do?

You might not know this, but your inner voice (not the one reminding you how much laundry you have), the one deep down, inside your gut, is trying to guide you to your highest self.

In other words, it’s speaking to your soul.

Our world is filled with distractions and our mind runs amuck, racing from thought to thought. It’s hard to hear this voice when our minds are filled with loud noise and wandering thoughts all the time.

However, if you can actually stop the next time you hear that deeper voice and pay attention to what it is trying to tell you, you might just realize that you know how to govern your own life and give yourself exactly what you really need, deserve and desire. 

Try it, and let me know if it works for you. I’d love to hear a personal intuition story of yours, if you are so inclined to share with me. Please leave your comments in the box below.



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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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