Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: Amy’s Kitchen.
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Sorry about the sound! We don’t have the sound from the second camera (which was connected to the mic—our bad). Nevertheless, they’re worth [closely] listening to! Great company, great people—and here’s why.
Waylon served as video host at Natural Products Expo West, the biggest “eco” foods and products gathering in the world, where small companies go to make it big, and huge company go to gobble up promising newcomers, and groceries go to see who they want to feature on their shelves. Among this grand coming together of “business” and “green,” Waylon admires a few companies for walking their talk. Amy’s Kitchen is one such. Here’s why:
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Bonus: Companies that don’t use BPA in tin cans: [Source: go to Inspiration Green for more]
Eden Foods: All 33 of its organic beans, chili, rice & beans, refried, and flavored.
Trader Joe’s Brand: Canned corn, tomatoes, beans (except baked beans), tunafish, anchovies, poultry, beef, coconut milk, fruit (except mandarins) and vegetables (except artichokes).
Hunt’s Tomato Products: Only their plain tomatoes – but great first step!!!
Whole Foods: 27% of its store-brand canned goods. No specifics given!*
Amy’s: As of March, 2012 all products in non-bpa cans. Look for: NB, for Non-BPA on the bottom of each can.
Bionaturae: Canned tomatoes.
Campbell’s Soups: Announced March, 2012 that it will be phasing out BPA from its cans! They have yet to make clear when that will begin, or what they plan to use instead of BPA.
Crowne Prince Natural: Tuna, Salmon, Kippers. See this link for specifics.
Muir Glen: Canned tomato products only.
Native Factor: Coconut Water.
Native Forest: Organic coconut milk, artichokes, asparagus, mushrooms, hearts of palm and all of their canned fruits.
Ocean Brands: Salmon, tuna, oyster, crab, snackit, snack n lunch and fish salads. (Not the shrimp, clams and food service size.)
Oregon’s Choice: Canned Tuna.
Vital Choice: Canned salmon, albacore tuna, sardines and mackerel.
Wild Planet: Canned Sardines and 5 oz tuna.
Ecofish (Henry & Lisa’s): Canned Tuna.
Nature’s One: Organic powdered baby milks.
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