June 21, 2013

Elizabeth Warren Strikes Again. {Video} ~ Sarah Rosenberg

No Transparency? No Trade Nomination.

In her opposition to the selection of President Obama’s trade nominee, Michael Froman, Elizabeth Warren’s consistent message is that if you have to hide it from the American public to make it happen, it probably should be happening.

She’s beginning to sound like my mom, who would say things to me like, “If you can’t come out of the dressing room so I can see it what it looks like on you, I’m not going to buy it for you to wear in public.” I used to hate that logic when I was a teenager, but it makes really good sense to me now that I’m a grown-up. And I figure it makes really good sense to hold our elected officials to these kinds of grown-up standards it they’re going to be running our country. Don’t you?






Sarah Rosenberg runs with scissors, eats with her fingers, and encourages her dogs to kiss her on the mouth. She lives and breathes as the grateful shepherd of her nine-year-old daughter, whose old soul belies her young bodily incarnation. Sarah’s writing creates fissures in her seemingly hard surface, allowing slivers of brilliant light to shine out from within. She is a sheep in wolf’s clothing.



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Ed: Brianna Bemel

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