July 5, 2013

Paranormal Activity. ~ Angela Deighan {Poem}

Paranormal Activity

the creation broke through

a damn releasing

pressure mounting

I exploded


a geyser of words

up and out

through the tips of my fingers

across the white plains of paper


a splatter of rhetoric


and this possession

I welcome


haunt these hands

ghost writer


Angela Deighan is a poet, a lover, a fighter and a transformer. She has butterflied so many times, she should be put in a museum and studied. She writes because she knows no other way to be. She is a messenger, a sharer, and a word engineer. She believes that when spirit comes a knockin’, you open the door (that is if you can find the courage). Her greatest enemy is herself and she strives daily to believe in her own talents and abilities. When Angela is not writing, you can find her walking in the woods, probably petting the trees and taking photos. Her favorite healer is mother nature and believes that everyone she comes in contact with is a teacher.



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Assistant Ed: Dana Gornall/Ed: Bryonie Wise


Photo credit: Mike Lay/Flickr

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