July 12, 2013

Why elephant charges $2/month after you read three articles/in one day.

I want to read more elephant, but I don’t value it.

We get the below comment from time to time, so I thought I’d share our response here, and hopefully let some of our readers know where we stand.

Mindful Reader: I’m only liking this because I’ve already read it…I dislike that you now require $$$ in order to have readers….really, too bad

  • elephantjournal.com Sorry, but you’re confused. Writing and media has cost money for centuries–that’s how we offer better articles, pay editors, pay writers, pay staff. Writing is not free. If you want free writing, read the comments on reddit (which are often great).

    Secondly, we have charged for three years–but only after 3 articles. So you have read your maximum for today, which means you are using elephant a great deal, which is great. But you don’t seem to appreciate it. Funny, isn’t that.
    You have three options: subscribe to our weekly newsletter, and get more free articles. Pay $2 a month, which is next to nothing, for unlimited free. Or come back tomorrow, for more free. Not bad, right?

    $108 for a lifetime membership—if you live another 50 years that’s just $2/year 🙂

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