August 24, 2013

Baby, I was Born to Blog. ~ Britt Bravo

5 Ways You Know That Blogging is Part of Your Purpose.


1. You know someone needs to read what you have to share.

If you have a feeling that there is a community of people, no matter how big or small, whose lives would be richer because of your writing, photos or videos, don’t wait. Start your blog. Don’t worry about the numbers. Write for your people. They are waiting for you.

2. You know you need to publish now.

One of the many awesome things about blogging is that you are the writer, editor and publisher all rolled into one. You decide what your people need to read at that moment. Publishing in magazines and newspapers or writing a book can reach a wide audience, but you have to go through gatekeepers. It can be a long time before what you have to say is heard. Blogging allows you to share right now, when you feel like your people need it.

3. You love to share stories, resources and things that make people smile.

Think about the blogs you love to read. I bet they either share personal stories, resources (e.g. how-to) or photos, videos and anecdotes that make you laugh and smile. If you have a message to share that needs to be heard now, you will reach more people if you inspire them. Be authentic. Be valuable. Be fun. Be hopeful.

4. You love to connect with people

Unlike traditional publishing, blogging is social. It’s a two way street. You’re not going to reach your people unless you chat it up. You’re going to need to comment on other blogs, and reply to comments. You’re going to need to share your posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and “like,” comment on, re-tweet and reply to what other people share. You’re going to need to be a guest blogger and to host guest bloggers. If the idea of all that interaction makes your palms sweat, a more traditional publishing route might be best for you. If it sounds fun to you, put on your party hat and start mingling!

5. You love to create

To keep a blog going, you need to post regularly, at least once a week, preferably more. The more you post, the more likely it is that your people will find you. Plus, you’ll become a better writer, photographer and/or video-maker. Creativity is messy, unpredictable, frustrating and fun. Sometimes you can’t stop making stuff, and sometimes the well feels dry.

As a blogger, you need to ride the waves of creation and keep going, through crappy posts and brilliant ones. You’ll write posts that will get tons of comments, and others that will sit in silence. In the end, you have to write because you love it. You have to write because you know that someone out there needs your blog.

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Assistant Ed: Andie Britton-Foster/Ed: Bryonie Wise

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