October 30, 2013

Needing & Getting Restored Faith in Humanity. ~ Andrea Charpentier

I’ve been feeling kinda down.

The world seems so topsy-turvy and ridiculous right now. I get really anxious and feel like we as a species are standing on a precipice, about to plunge into an abyss never to return again and sometimes all I can think of doing is going back home to my family so I can at least die with them.

Amongst all the crises going on in the world, the one that has my panties in the biggest bunch is the Fukushima Plume of Death. I mean, c’mon. It sounds like something out of some crazy 1950’s sci-fi novel. But it’s real and it’s killing everything. And no one seems to really be batting an eye and I wonder if we do deserve to collectively end as a species.

But then my sister sent me a video via text and I was instantly revived. I don’t have any deep or profound message to deliver about this video. All I can say is that it helped me go from feeling awful to feeling happy. It put laughter in my throat and a smile on my face.

And right now, that’s what I think I need most, and I’m grateful that I am fortunate enough to also get what I need.

‘Cause as the song says, needing is one thing and getting it is another.




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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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