December 9, 2013

Kind of Blue: an Expressive, Eclectic Fifth Chakra Playlist.

What was your favorite music this year? What song/album/artist(s) did you adore?

This is today’s #reverb13 prompt, a means to reflect on the year that has passed and set intentions for the coming year.You are invited to participate, as privately or publicly as you wish. To share what you’ve written, add a comment. 

From around 2005 to 2011, I used to make CD mixes for my friends and family for Christmas. An end-of-the-year playlist of all my favorite tunes from the calendar year.

Times changed and technology evolved. So instead of a CD mix, here’s a blog post with my playlist of 2013.

I have zero musical talent, but I love music. The songs on this playlist are suitable for yoga practice—or just to listen for listening’s sake.

This is the 2013 mix, from me to you. I hope you like it! Happy Holidays.

1. Express Yourself by Madonna

2. Jade by Edward Sharpe

3. Happy Pills by Norah Jones

4. Get Up Stand Up by Bob Marley

5. Happy Xmas (War Is Over) by John Lennon

6. Wanna Be Startin’ Something by Michael Jackson

7. What Does the Fox Say? by Ylvis

(Had to.)

8. Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte


9. Uncle Albert by Paul McCartney

Because of Katie.

10. Awaiting on You All by George Harrison

11. A Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James


12. Everybody Loves the Sunshine by Seu Jorge & Almaz

13. The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole


14. A Day in the Life by the Beatles

15. Love is Blindness by Jack White

16. Walk on the Wild Side by Lou Reed

17. Gracias a la Vida by Mercedes Sosa

18. Kind of Blue by Miles Davis


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Stefan Mueller

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