December 11, 2013

The Pause at 1:44 Breaks my Heart, every Time. {Paul Newman Video}

…But it cheers, me, too. For the strength with which he breaks his beat, beat pause…that inner spirit…that heart that can be broken and open and still strong and brave…it’s enough to make me brave, and cheerful, too.

Sure, it’s acting—but it’s a genuine moment, too, that reminds us that the whole world isn’t douchebaggery, ego, greed and con artists.

The world is sad, too, and sad is a relief, when it’s real.

Had a hard moment, today, when it seemed like the conmen were winning. And, they are. But, then, I ran across this song by Paul Newman, a father-from-afar when I was young. And his heart saved mine, again.

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