February 1, 2014

Happy update! Facebook threatened our business bc we shared a Feminist blog re Mindful Sexuality.

wendy strgar


Update: Happy ending!

Facebook replied!

Hi Waylon-
Thanks for reaching out. The content in question was mistakenly removed. We have restored the post and removed any associated blocks. I apologize for the inconvenience and please let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you are having a good weekend,


Update: folks are asking how to help. I think the only thing that will help is if you can subscribe to our newsletter–if FB shuts us down here we will go out of business rapidly, if readers don’t stay connected to us in another way. http://www.elephantjournal.com/join-the-cause I understand they have a hard job to do, and I think they’re getting better and better at it. But they have a responsibility that goes beyond business because they affect the flow of free speech and free press, at this point. What we posted was not in violation of their own standards.

Facebook just threatened my entire business because we shared this blog. Hyperbole? No: not in a day and age when bookstores and newsstands have been replaced by one way to connect with people: Facebook. Twitter and G+ account for maybe 1% of our readership. 75%? Facebook. Free speech and a free press is now subject to the machines of Silicon Valley—and even though we clearly did not violate their terms, we have no recourse—no one to email, no one to call. My mortgage, my dreams of being of benefit through media, my staff’s livelihoods—all are clearly on a shaky foundation when Facebook says we’re a “violation” or two away from being blocked permanently.

Imagine this: you start a business devoted to the greater good, make sacrifices along the way, but finally begin to succeed: but then a big corporation threatens to shut you down and put your 9 employees out of work and you out of your house (and mortgage). That’s what Facebook does to elephant and I every six months.

facebook nudity violation

This is the post in question. There is no nudity in the featured image, and you can see the introduction we posted, above,  in their warning. 

Yes, Facebook loves to threaten our entire mindful business because of one post, and then loves to fail to offer any recourse.

Their guidelines are clear, and we follow them: no nudity in photos posted to FB. There was no nudity in this post, not even close, it’s a stock photo of rather boring love making, black and white, that shows nothing. No 12 year old boy would find this photo interesting. And the content, which FB doesn’t care about (it’s not the reason our entire business of 11 years is in jeopardy) is a beautiful, well-received article by an empowered Sex Ed teacher and feminist and happily married woman of 60 years or something.


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