March 28, 2014

5 Ways Cinnamon & Honey Have Healed Me.

5 ways how cinnamon and honey has healed me

Honey and cinnamon are two ingredients that can be found in most homes.

I love cinnamon as a spice and I use it in my cooking. Curries, fragrant rice, this is a must have spice in my kitchen. It adds a warm woody flavor to food that I really love. I wasn’t aware that cinnamon had healing properties until a chance read of a post made me aware of the benefits it had. Honey is used in a lot of juices and also healing drinks that I make when an illness occurs. I began to use these in my day-to-day life and, honestly, they have some awesome benefits that I am listing for you.

1. Sloughs Dead Skin

Cinnamon gives warmth and I like to use this spice in my body scrub in the winters.  All that I do is mix together one teaspoon of ground cinnamon powder with two fistfuls of sea salt, one teaspoon of almond oil, one teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of  honey. Blend this with a hand mixer for a minute on high and store it in an airtight container, or make it as you need it. I prefer the latter because I keep on adding variations. Sometimes I love to add a drop of my favorite essential oil for a calming fragrance.

2. Keeps Bad Breath Away

Bad breath can be an embarrassment and I face this problem when ill. At such times, I boil a stick of cinnamon in one cup of water for five minutes and gargle with it. It helps combat bad breath and also provides the much needed rest to my throat during a cough.

3. Detox and Let the Skin Glow

I love to detox regularly and cinnamon tea is a very good drink that can help to flush out the toxins from my body. I boil three cups of water with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, or one stick of cinnamon. Let it steep for at least five minutes. Add two teaspoons of natural honey to it and keep it in a flask. Drink 1/4 cup of this tea at least three to four times a day. I prefer to make it fresh rather than store it in a flask.

4. Gets Rid of Acne

I rarely get zits, but when I do they come in a cluster and it looks bad! To get rid of acne all that I do is mix two pinches of cinnamon powder with honey and apply it on the affected areas. I leave it on for 10 minutes and wash it off with warm water.

5. Keep Me Refreshed

As a mom to twin boys, I am always on my toes! Sometimes managing too many things can get very overwhelming and I need  a quick fix to help me rejuvenate. My energy drink is cinnamon honey water. I mix one teaspoon of honey in a glass of water that is stored at room temperature, and add a pinch or two of cinnamon powder to it. This drink is not just healthy, but is also very refreshing.

These are some of my favorite ways to use cinnamon and honey. Do you know of a another healing benefit of cinnamon and honey?

Learn how to make the awesome warm cinnamon scrub here.


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Editor: Travis May

Photo: By Author

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