March 13, 2014

Life Knows Why We’re Here Even When We Don’t. ~ Jillian Locke

Photo: Jan Myhrehagen via Pixoto

“Sometimes the things that people lose have a way of finding them.” ~ Adam Miller

Dreams. Hopes. Aspirations. Innate Yearnings.

The call of your heart. The call of the wild.

The subtle drumming you feel deep within your belly. That’s the rhythm of the earth, calling you back. That’s the heart beat of the universe, reminding you of everything you’ve forgotten along the way.

Life has a way of sending you strategically placed reminders: people, events, opportunities. Life knows why we’re here, even when we don’t, and it’s constantly, constantly trying to remind you.

To bring you back to that gentle drumming. That subtle pulse.

It’s in our bloodstream. It’s knocking on the backdoor of our convoluted brain. Its patient—it will keep swimming, keep knocking, keep on beckoning until we wake up.

We’re never really awake until we’re in tune with our natural rhythm.

That soothing throbbing that we’re almost afraid to tap into; afraid that, if we finally perk up and acknowledge it, that’s it. We’re done for. There’s no turning back.

It’s true. This recognition is the ultimate point of no return. And it’s fucking scary as hell.

To sleepwalk or to wake up. To go through the motions or to engage. To reclaim what we always knew we were meant for, or to continue turning a deaf ear.

If you understand this, that means you’re there. You’re in it. You’re staring over the cliff into the bottomless depths of potential. You’re peering into the terrifying and exhilarating realm of the unknown. If you’re like me, you’re gathering everything you’ve ever experienced and learned and felt and known to build up the balls to take the final step—to jump in with both feet instead of just one.

Why this trepidation? Why this terror? Why this nagging tension?

This is new territory. We’ve exited the comfort zone, ladies and gents. This is new skin, and it’s awkward. It feels strange…even though, we know down deep, it’s going to fit better than the ragged encasing that has brought us this far. If we weren’t ready, we wouldn’t be here. Everything has led us to this point, and all we have to do is lift that back foot off solid ground to meet our forward stepping foot, the one that’s already made the decision for us.

Flashes of insecurities and self-doubt and self-deprecation come vividly, violently, stopping us in our tracks. They’re giving their all for a last ditch effort to block us, throw us back, tempting us to reposition our footing onto familiar, solid ground.

Don’t let them. Don’t fucking let them. They’re not real—they’re shadows, ghosts of ash come for one final showdown. But they’re just dust, so easily swept away.

Really, they are. They’re smoke. They’re illusion. They’re nothing.

You. You are everything, as are your heart’s forgotten longings, the siren songs of your soul. The nebulas of star dust trapped in your spine, literally screaming to be made manifest. There are mountains of miracles already standing within your ribs, filling your chest, just waiting for you to claim the power and freedom they are built on.

Power and Freedom…Expansion. Becoming. Overcoming. Rising.

Dreams made manifest. The return of love. A homecoming.

“Dreams unwind. Love’s a state of mind.” ~ Stevie Nicks

Reclaiming our primal visions of ourselves and our deepest urgings is our key to freedom. Diving into our depths to retrieve that key is our work. Actually grasping that key and using it, driving and turning and embracing it, all the way home…is not only our goal, but our right.

You’re petrified? Good. That means you’re awake. You’re alive. You’ve come to a crossroads. You’ve passed through a gateway. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t ready, and the only thing holding you back now is you.

So, which road will you choose? Close your eyes and quiet your mind—it has no place here. Now is the time to see through your heart. Now is the time to change the course of history, to change our stories.

One foot in front of the other. Don’t think about it, just go.

“Allow yourself to dream and fantasize about your ideal life, what it would look like, and what it would feel like. Then do something every day to make it a reality.” ~ Brian Tracy


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 Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Pixoto

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