May 11, 2014

When You Speak of the Sun, So it Shines. ~ Sheetal Daswani

Photo: Clare Wedding via Flickr

The Arabic language is exquisitely poetic.

When I lived in Cairo many moons ago, I had the honour of studying this beautiful language. A phrase I heard very often was:

arabic phrase

This quite simply means, “When you speak of the sun, so it shines.”

To me, this is a simple yet poignant way of describing the law of energy. Anything we send out into the universe will form an equation of vibrations which will attract a similar reckoning.

Over the past few years, I’ve been meditative: intro-, extro-, retro- contemplative. I’ve walked into the unknowns daringly.

I slowly dismantled my older patterns and methods and created new learning curves for my life.

I cast only affirmative and positive intentions into the universe. The more I taught myself to let go of ego, of control, the more I found that my positive vibrations unfolded magnificent passages meant only for me.

Wholly, unequivocally, definitively, faultlessly, beautifully, for me.

How do we create what we need?

Whatever we think about most, believe in the strongest, anticipate on the deepest levels and envisage the most intensely, shall come to be.

Quantum physics has proven that thoughts, words, actions and deeds do indeed create.

If we imagine what we choose to experience, we will find that our intentions are such a powerful force, that they actually will take form.

The key is to let go of our ego, of our desire to control and of any expectations of specific outcomes. Once we let it all go, we will see that the universe will begin to construct our intentions into the most opportune of experiences in the most serendipitous of moments.

Our soul inherently knows that we are one with our Creator, and that whatever we need, will flow towards us.

Our soul speaks through our bodies through a myriad of perspicacious beckons. Its callings are purposeful. Its knowledge ought to be trusted.

No words can amply express its illimitable internal wisdom.

Tune in.

Discover your truth.

Align with your deepest purpose.

Watch your journey evolve.

Let the cosmos deliver what you need.

It’s your divine right.

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Apprentice Editor; Kim Haas / Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo:  Clare Wedding via Flickr


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Sheetal Daswani