June 30, 2014

Angels in Disguise.

earth angel

I’ve always believed that life itself runs in cycles, in reincarnation, and the interconnectedness of people through these cycles.

Perhaps not everyone believes in reincarnation or even chooses to participate in the reincarnation cycle. But for those of us that do, it seems each lifetime either brings us closer or further away from our desired end goal.

I know I’m an old soul. Whether it’s because sometimes I just know things that I have no possible way of knowing, or just because sometimes I feel so soul weary that it’s impossible to explain, I just know.

Another thing that I know, that I’ve come to realize, is that maybe it’s not even about the end goal itself. Maybe its about the journey and the people that travel through life’s cycles with us. Because with each lifetime, certain souls that we are integrally connected to in some way seem to reappear to help guide us, hold our hand, or offer us comfort. Whether they are a friend, lover, partner, etc, doesn’t really matter. They seem to appear when we most need them.

And let’s face it, no matter how well we may seem to have it put together to those looking in, we all have times where we are burnt out or just have a case of the blues. It’s those times that our angels seem to appear. It would be nice if they became a permanent part of the cycle, but often they come and go at random. If we’re lucky, we are able to recognize the connection and offer a piece of ourselves in return, thereby honoring the cycle and the gift they have given us.

When I sat down to write today I started out on a completely different topic. But somehow I kept coming back to this. And I don’t usually share my personal spiritual beliefs in my writings, but this past year has offered challenges and spiritual questions that I’m still contemplating. I’ve come to believe that this is my last reincarnation or cycle. Maybe it’s the souls that I seem to be cutting ties with on a permanent basis. Or perhaps it’s the angels that keep popping into my life when I need them the most.

The tricky part is that most of the time our angels don’t fit the angel description.

There’s no halo or white wings. And they certainly don’t think of themselves as angels. They may even seem a little on the crazy side or march to a different beat. The only thing special about them is their connection to you and how they make you feel. Their presence lifts your spirit. Their gestures are small and might be as simple as a text out of the blue, a quiet walk on the beach, or a hug that warms your heart. It might even be that smile from a stranger that for some unknown reason just made your day.

Angels come in all disguises and if you aren’t careful you might not even recognize them til after they disappear.

So the next time you’re at your lowest don’t give up. If you’re lucky and really paying attention, an angel just might appear in that moment to brighten your day. And if you’re even luckier, maybe you’ll put a smile on their face in return.


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Editor: Travis May

Photos: elephant archives

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