June 8, 2014

As an Elephant Lives. {Poem}

elephant life

My dreams for you on graduation day.

May you live as an elephant lives,
Swinging your trunk toward the sky.
Tall and content,
Your joy never spent,
Watching from kind, crinkled eyes.

May you play as an elephant plays,
Your mouth open wide in a grin.
Bobbing your head,
A skip in your tread,
Splashing through waves on a whim.

May you roam as an elephant roams,
Knowing the way in your bones.
May you wander by moon,
Not arriving too soon,
And calling the wild your home.

May you think as an elephant thinks,
Forgetting to doubt each new day.
With faith in the worth
Of the red, muddy earth,
At home in your sweet skin of grey.

May you love as an elephant loves,
Your heart beating steadfast and strong.
Trust without blindness,
A smile of kindness,
Swaying to the sound of a song.

May you know as an elephant knows,
That your spirit will shimmer through scars.
Your life is a grain,
That will rise in the rain,
And your soul is as old as the stars.

May you live as an elephant lives,
Your heart opened up like a sail.
Feeling the wind,
Your old foot-steering friend,
As you travel on untrodden trails.

A wayfaring twitch in your tail.



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Editor: Travis May

Photo: William Warby via Flickr

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