The end is no mystery so let’s see where we can get to this time, in these bodies we have.
Love these bodies up and take them on glorious and wild adventures.
Take chances, risk the comforts of mediocrity, learn the rules and dance between them, love with all the fibers of your being, be notorious, intentionally move into the unknown.
Move intentionally.
Forget about those who judge you or make you feel small. Surround yourself with kids who are mad to live. Surround yourself with lovely and kind humans.
Evolve. Thrust forward. Fall, stand up, laugh with humility, move on and up. Upward spiral.
Time is a resource, don’t waste it waiting around to live. Most people spend their whole lives waiting to feel alive, for something to change or happen or have that will make everything perfect. Is this your fate?
I don’t think so. You’re bold and fearless and ready to respond. You know that joy and aliveness exist only in one place, and that place is right here and now. No more wasting time waiting to live. No more time to waste.
You are too important to hide in the comforts of mediocrity. Rise.
There is only today, and baby, it’s a seriously big day.
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Apprentice Editor: Kimby Maxson/Editor: Renée Picard
Photo: Courtesy of Author
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