What I’m reading/viewing, right now.
16 Major Cruise Lines Released Over a Billion Gallons of Sewage Into the Ocean in 2014 – Beyond 3 miles from shore, the cruise lines may dump wastewater directly into the ocean, & many of them rely on old & antiquated water-treatment systems. (thinkprogress.org)
Photos: London’s getting a new landmark: a Garden Bridge.
Pregnant woman blasts anti-abortion protesters outside a clinic in London (youtube.com) “Abort67 are nasty pieces of work.
Also, this woman mentions Kids Company who are an awesome charity who provide educational support and counselling for at-risk children – here’s a link if anyone’s interested.”
Run to Stay Young. (NY Times)
21 Ethical Holiday Prezzies for Gift Inspiration! (Starre Vartan)
Seinfeld, the Documentary. (youtube)
That Takeout Coffee Cup May Be Messing With Your Hormones (Mother Jones)
When the Forces of Media Disruption Hit Home (NY Times)
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