December 20, 2014

Jyotish New Moon {Solstice} Wisdom & Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon.

swati image

“Run my dear, from anything that may not strengthen your precious budding wings.” ~Hafiz

The new Moon is on Sunday, December 21st, Winter Solstice, at 19:36 CST. Moon is in Sagittarius and Mula Nakshatra at this time, joining Sun in this same position. Sun and Moon conjunct Mercury and Venus, who are both in PurvaAshada nakshatra.

This is a particularly unsteady new Moon, with a lot of movement, shift and restructuring potential.

The release is necessary in order to increase flow and fluidity, change and movement in the coming cycle. In order for deeper nourishment to arrive in the coming weeks and months, we must be willing to deeply release and let go of any parts of ourselves we have been clinging to.

This is a time to be re-tracing our steps, enlivening our deepest needs and awakening our innate truths.

This new Moon is also intensified by Winter Solstice, the darkest night of the year for the Northern Hemisphere and is marked by a natural turning inward, towards our depth and darkness.

The need for this turning inward, touching the depth of our darkness, is as natural as turning towards the light. Nature reminds us with her cycles and rhythms, the potency, power and necessity of both light and dark and our dance with both. This is an ideal time to be working very intentionally with our shadows, our own darkness.

Please join me for my free online class this Sunday, Resourcing From Your Shadow on December 21st at 6pm CST.

The coming waxing Moon cycle will continue to stir our deepest longings, truths and inner wisdom, while digging up some dirt in the process.

As we expand our depths and our darkness, we also expand our container and capacity to hold truth and light. The willingness you have to explore our depth and dive deep, will determine the gifts and awakenings us will be able to enliven and hold in the coming cycles.

Our efforts are not futile.

Working consciously with our shadows is not for nothing. Strengthen our ability to dance with both the light and your dark parts with more awareness and life will expand in all forms.

Creative Ritual for the Waxing Moon Cycle

Expanding our container, our capacity to hold and to release, can physically and metaphorically be done through the breath. Jupiter’s retrograde motion through Cancer, is allowing us to retrace steps within our heart, work intentionally with our emotional body, our capacity to feel, while also giving us new opportunities to work with healthy boundaries. The open and close dynamic of boundary work (yes and no) is signified by our inhale and exhale.

Below is a breath dance, designed to enliven and maximize your breath awareness and your container for sensing and feeling.

1. Breath Dance. Begin standing, lying down or sitting. Bring your awareness to your breath as it moves in and out of your body. Filling and letting go, opening and releasing, like waves moving in and out of the body. Track the movements and sensations in the body and let these guide you.

The sensations will guide you into the physical body impulses, the messages of the body. As you continue to breathe and become more and more aware of the movements of the ribcage, let these movements exaggerate. These exaggerated movements are the making of your “breath dance.”

Continue to move from and with the movements of the ribcage as you breath. Explore, expand and develop your breath dance for at least 10 minutes. Let it evolve and as it does, continue to self track, noticing the body parts most alive and awake as you explore your body part sensations present.

As you bring your breath dance to a close, ask yourself these questions: I sense, I feel, I imagine.

2. Create an image of your ribcage. What colors, textures, shapes and images arrive on the page as you draw your ribcage? I encourage you to get your hands involved in this process whether it be through painting directly with your hands, or smudging the Craypas with your fingers.

Let the hands be sensitized through the process. Get messy. Let the hands and fingers fully engage in this image. (Working with clay may be an alternate medium to work with.)

Title your image. Take at least 15 minutes for this.

3. Harvesting. When your image is complete, use it to harvest with further inquiry by asking it these questions:

Ask your image if it has anything it would like to share with you: If your image could speak, what would it say?

I am
I want
I need

What am I opening to? What am I closing to?

Need some extra guidance and clarity? Schedule a session with me.

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Author: Saraswati J.

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: courtesy of the author

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