I’ve been watching a tree bloom
In the back yard. Hour by hour,
day by day, the blossoms burst open
in tiny little explosions of rebirth.
The tree goes from bare branches
to being cloaked in pale pink miracles.
Like one of those time lapse videos.
Only spread out over four or five days.
Bees dance from flower to flower.
Their buzzing a full-throated shout,
proclaiming, declaring, exalting,
demanding, insisting, mocking,
“We’re not all dead yet, Monkey-boy.”
A half a wisp of air arrives and departs
causing a single petal to break free
and tumble to the sun-warmed earth.
My uncouth rational self suddenly
blunders into the Story of the Pink Tree.
I begin to worry.
It’s far too early for this tree to bloom.
The warm weather has tricked it.
Deceitfully heralding the arrival
of Spring much much too soon.
A stiff wind could sweep the blossoms
from the tree, laying it bare once more.
Sometimes life comes at me
Faster than it should.
Life Moves Fast.
Author: Michael Greenhalgh
Volunteer Editor: Kim Haas/ Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
Photo: Marc oh! via Flickr.
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