*Vedic Astrology, or Jyotish, is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and considered a relative of astronomy. It is an important and valuable part of the ancient Vedic texts. This complex, logic-based, and also intuitive science, has survived thousands of years in India’s Vedic tradition and is still considered a highly valuable tool of guidance and life insight. It is not a religion, but rather a philosophical understanding of human and cosmic existence. In Sanskrit, Jyoti means light. Essentially, the study of jyotish is the study of light and how we interact with the cosmic light- within us and within the cosmos. Vedic astrology, or the sidereal approach to astrology, casts charts differently than Western, or Tropical astrology. The meanings, implications, and purpose of jyotish is therefor different, as are the details used for prediction and the indications given below.
Themes of deep transformation continue.
Changes that connect to endings, release and letting go are emerging for each of us. As multiple planets touch the re-structuring heat of Ketu on their way out of Pisces (endings) and into Aries (beginnings), we will feel many areas of our being getting reformatted.
The portal between Pisces and Aries opens up once Venus starts the procession from the end of the zodiac into the beginning. Mars follows suit March 23rd, then Mercury and Sun in April. This gandanta (gap) is particularly challenging, signifying deep inner change while ushering in insights and support from higher realms. Multiple parts of ourselves are going through upheaval and release. Trust the process and learn the art of surrender as you face your fire.
Saturn begins his six month retrograde motion on March 14th. This is an event of re-visiting our structures, support systems—both internally and externally. The returning process is happening on an emotional body level which will demand our complete attention—especially as Jupiter continues to transit through the heart-centered emotional water sign of Cancer. The inner work that we commit to at this time will be lasting, deeply rooted change. This will bring transformation on the physical and emotional body levels. Read more about Saturn’s transit through Scorpio and how he is impacting each sign.
This waxing Moon cycle falls in between the delicate two week gap between solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. The spring celebration of the Divine Mothers, Vasant Navaratri, falls during this delicate two week gap. The nine day celebration begins Saturday March 21st with Moon in Pisces conjunct Mars, Sun and Ketu, intensifying themes of loss, release and letting go. Read more about Vasant Navaratri and how to make the most of this sacred time. I’ll be sharing a 10 Day Self Care Challenge in my newsletter in the coming days for some extra resources. Make sure you’re on my list.
Remember that eclipses represent the shadowed self, our inner darkness that must come to the light. In the Vedic tradition, this is not a time to take risks, start new endeavors, or to over-exert. It is a time, however, of turning inward, of meditation and contemplation and a time to take extra care of the physical body with good routine etc. The delicate two week period between eclipses will end with a lunar eclipse and full Moon on April 4th. This full Moon will also be Hanuman Jayanti, the birthday of the sacred Monkey god who symbolizes heartfelt devotion.
*Horoscopes are based on your Vedic rising sign. You can also check your Moon and Sun signs for further insight. Do the same with your Navamsa signs for further clarity. Do not use these horoscopes with your “Western Sign” as there is likely no correlation. These horoscopes are meant to be used as a broad overview of the current transits and obviously do not address the specifics of an individual’s unique chart.
Aries: There is fire in your head and if you choose to use it wisely, you can get a lot accomplished at this time. Take bold and powerful action steps. Stand in your power and resolve to get your needs met. Don’t take no for an answer. There is fear, uncertainty and a weakened ego to contend with, but confronting this darkness is part of the battle right now. These are old haunts and you are all too familiar with them. How you choose to work with these emotions and stories right now determines how you will move forward from here on out. Be bold.
Taurus: As you work more consciously with gains and losses, you may be noticing how life becomes almost neutralized as a result. Plus one, minus one, the result is still the same. There is an important message here for your ego and your mind. You don’t change, no matter what is occurring around you, to you, through you. You stay the same. You are the neutral, the non changing. Be that non-dual state and use it as a way to overcome the fears and illusions that arrive.
Gemini: It’s important to be using your career right now as a self development tool, a resource for inner change. The way we handle our business is the way we handle our life and vice versa. If you are feeling the upheavals and changes with your offering to the world and how you offer yourself, it’s time to start surfing the waves with more intention. How can you use these challenges as an opportunity for growth? What new resources and support do you need as you strengthen your business skills?
Cancer: Very necessary parts of yourself are being restructured—pulled apart so you can put them back together more consciously. This re-structuring process has everything to do with you stepping into your dharma, your path, more aligned and more certain. Take some courageous action steps and put yourself out in more visible ways. Get the attention and recognition your ego needs to feel more confident in moving forward. You’ve done this before and you will do it again, but right now, your actions determine how you will thrive in the coming months. This will change the course of your path so let your steps be conscious.
Leo: Changes are occurring in you from the inside out and helping you touch upon deep wounds of the past. Your ego and sense of self is going through many transformations. Some new passion is being re-kindled in this process so tend to this inner flame carefully. This requires being diligent and gentle with your emotional body right now. The keys are within your heart. The emotional body will be a necessary resource to help you unlock other hidden messages. Keep your eye on the prize and trust there is light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t go down with the sinking ship! Stay connected to your purpose.
Virgo: Uncertainties continue to plague you. By now, I hope you are figuring out that the best use of your time and efforts is to deeply surrender. Not roll over and take it, but in fact release and let go of your old attachments. These attachments are causing you great pain and suffering which are in fact the wounds you must transform and heal. Ketu in your 7th house is helping you shift your relationship attachments and find a new sense of inner strength simultaneously. You are building courage but this is a slow process. Let your steps be intentional.
Libra: You are truly getting a chance to work on some very lingering bad habits. To heal and transform parts of yourself that are keeping you from succeeding powerfully and with conviction. Ego and mental body are getting cracked open, undermining your sense of comfort and support. Nourishment may feel fleeting or lost, but if you’re paying attention, these themes are all too familiar. How can you move forward more consciously? How can you get some new support? What relationships are showing up to help you with this? Build a deeper relationship with your vulnerability.
Scorpio: Feeling sensitive? That might be an understatement, so tending to your fragility with grace is truly the challenge. I believe this is possible as you acquire and gather new resources for yourself right now. Notice what is arriving to support you at this time of great transition and change. Learning to trust your gut intelligence, your instincts and intuition in deeper ways is part of what you are learning. This deeper relationship with your inner intelligence is truly just the thing you need for becoming more empowered. Trust the process.
Sagittarius: Let the small comforts in, whatever may be returning. Notice if some of these returning comforts are actually bringing more pain instead. Perhaps you’ve outgrown some parts of yourself? Your needs have changed? Whatever this new awareness is, mark it and pay homage to it intentionally. The heart is learning and growing and helping you expand into new territory. Honor this and sense the strength in your core that is helping you reframe this time for yourself. Celebrate small victories.
Capricorn: It feels like you’ve been here many times before. There’s a strange comfort in this pain and transformation. Are you addicted to the pain? Do you use it as creative life force energy? Do you require it to thrive? Is it somehow a strange sort of medicine for you to stand in the fire like this? I believe so. There’s something you still need from this darkness and all that you are confronting right now. What are you ready to release this time once and for all and what do you still need to cling to? Suffering can get very comfortable. Be aware of your comfort levels.
Aquarius: You are finding new ways to be nourished, but not without facing your malnourishment in the process. The pains, the turmoil and the angst is a result of not being able to absorb the nourishment in you and around you. There are reasons for this and they come from your family system, your early childhood experiences. The sooner you are willing to bravely unpack these challenges and haunts, the sooner you’ll be able to rebuild the life you’ve been waiting to live. Ask for support.
Pisces: You’ve been getting the pressure from all sides dear one. In fact the major planetary shifts that have been happening for weeks now have all been happening inside your head. This is a time of deep awakening, of being cracked open in very intimate and intense ways. It would be completely normal for you to be feeling fragile, vulnerable and raw right now. The most important steps though are the ones you take to slowly piece yourself back together. Like Wabi Sabi, let the gold replace the broken places.
Enrollment for my April Jyotish Basics classes is now open! Don’t miss out on these transformational and healing classes and my special Navaratri pricing. Registration closes March 29th. Sign up for details.
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Author: Alan Fuller
Editor: Travis May
Photo: Flickr/Orin Zebest
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