March 26, 2015

Why Your Facebook Page is More Revealing than a Dating Profile.


For those splashing about in the dating pool, consider that your Facebook page says far more about you than any description you could ever pen on any number of dating websites.

Wanna know why?  By reading it, viewers can tell:

Who your friends and family members are.

Your relationship status.

Where you were raised.

The corner of the world in which you currently live.

The activities in which you engage.

Your spiritual beliefs.

Your political views.

The ways in which you communicate your thoughts.

Your fashion sense.

Your decorating style.

What kind of car you drive or want to drive.

Whether you respond thoughtfully or react viscerally to what others post on your page.

What your values are and what matters to you.

Whether you walk your talk.

Your sense of humor.

The music you listen to.

The books you read.

Your level of education.

The movies and television shows you watch.

What organizations or charities you support.

Whether you drink, smoke or use drugs.

Your mood states.

Where you travel.

How you articulate your thoughts in writing; including spelling and grammar.

How you blend work and play.

The ways in which others interact with you and how they view you.

Your accomplishments.

What you enjoy eating and your dietary preferences/needs.

Your fitness level.

How curious you are about learning new things.

Your work history.

Your gender identity and/or fluidity.

What other people post on your page, since they either know you or feel that they do.

Your health condition.

Whether you view the world through the eyes of love or fear.

Your sexual preference.

Whether you have racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic attitudes.

What sports you enjoy watching and participating in.

What your talents are.

Your views on “life, the Universe and everything.”

Whether you have animal companions and how you feel about them and treat them.

Your relationship type—monogamy or polyamory.

How you see the future unfolding.

How you view your past and how you integrate it into your present.

The ways you feel about your body.

What sustains you when “life gets lifey.”

Whether you do emotional bungee jumping or play it safe.

How you feel about children.

Whether your communication style is more risqué.

Your relationship with your family.

The ways in which you set boundaries.

Your willingness to learn new things.

How you have overcome challenges and ride with changes.

Whether you are camera shy or selfie savvy.

Your environmental responsibility.

Your aspirations.

Your inspirations.

How you treat people in your life.

Whether you get caught up and swept away with drama or manage to maintain an even keel.

Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Each one is a conversation starter with anyone you would like to meet.

All of this is dependent upon whether you accurately and honestly portray yourself and your life. My rule for myself with regard to social media is that I don’t post anything about myself that isn’t true and that I don’t want the whole world to know, since they will.

What do you want those who read your mental meanderings or persistent postings to learn about the woman or man behind the profile? How much real do you want to reveal?



The Facebook Confession every person should Read.


Author: Edie Weinstein

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Flickr/philhearing


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