April 17, 2015

Powerful Video Explaining the Side Effects of Porn.


Ran Gavrieli received a BA in Gender Studies at Tel Aviv University and has been an outspoken activist against human trafficking and prostitution since 2008.

He has traveled throughout Israel and beyond talking about the impact of porn and the effects it has on men, women and also the implications it has for children. Gavrieli also works to promote a healthy and positive body image in a society that is filled with sexual imagery that has negative connotations.

As well as giving talks to schools, academic forums and military bases, Gavrieli has also written a paper which he has called, “The miseducation of intimacy,” and his plans are to encourage the building of positive models for reconstructing education of this kind.

Gavrieli’s explains, “Every educational system provides six hours of maths, or sciences or English, a week for students, but zero hours on love, sexuality, self esteem, body image, true intimacy. And not intimacy built over a computer, but face-to-face intimacy, intimacy with emotions. These are all skills for life.”

Gavrieli speaks in this video about the effects that watching pornography had on his mind and consequently the impact it had on his relationships with women. He has also talked about his aim is to “deconstruct the power relations between genders, between people. In so many aspects we try to strive for equality in our society, but in terms of sex and money, we regress. Prostitution is where sex and money intersect. So many self-made women don’t want to be called ‘feminist,’ or feel disappointed with feminism. It is because of equality not prevailing. Sex and money are how we preserve oppression towards women.”

According to the website Candeo Behavior Change, partly dedicated to sexual addiction, watching pornography causes a chemical reaction in the brain which is similar to the reaction that is brought about from drugs or alcohol. Powerful endorphins and neurochemicals like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin flood the brain and cause a rush or a natural high. Research and statistics have found that people the world over use pornography as a means of escapism and self-medication.

Check out the full video here:

Enlighten your sex life:



What Porn Really Does to a Relationship.


Author: Alex Myles

Editor: Travis May

Photo: YouTube Still, mirror.co.uk

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